Tummy Time Tips for New Parents - How to do Tummy Time with your Newborn.
Aug 31, 2024
3 min read
The ABC's of Tummy Time
You're often told as a new parent that tummy time is great for a newborn, but you may feel unsure of when to start tummy time and be looking for advice on how to help your little one become used to this beneficial play position.
So, let's get into it...
Why is Tummy time beneficial for babies?
The top benefits of tummy time are:
Strengthens muscles:
It helps build strength in the baby's neck, shoulders, arms, and core muscles, which are essential for rolling, crawling, and sitting up later on.
Prevents flat head syndrome:
Lying on the back for prolonged periods can lead to flat spots on a baby's head (positional plagiocephaly). Tummy time provides a relief from this pressure through a change of position.
Promotes motor skills:
By encouraging baby to lift and turn their head, tummy time aids in the development of gross motor skills, coordination, and balance.
Enhances sensory development:
Tummy time offers babies a different perspective and sensory experience as they explore their environment from a new angle.
Improves visual skills:
Being on their tummy helps babies practice focusing on objects at different distances and angles, aiding in visual tracking.
As a qualified tummy time expert, I've put together below some top tips to help you get started in successfully incorporating tummy time into your little one's routine.
The ABC's of Tummy Time
🌱 A - Alert
Make sure baby is in a 'Calm Alert' state.
About half an hour after a feed, with a clean nappy and not overtired. Baby may be cooing, making eye contact or smiling.
🌱 B - Be present,
Tummy time is a SUPERVISED play position.
Baby's should always be on their BACK to SLEEP as advised by the Lullaby Trust on safer sleep.
When baby is awake stay with them for tummy time and make sure they are on a flat safe surface, free of choking hazards. If you can, get down to baby's level - they love when you engage with them while they play, make eye contact, sing or talk to them.
🌱 C - Change it up,
Tummy time is not a position baby's are used to straight away. They have been used to being all curled up in the womb.
Start with short periods of time, like a minute or a few minutes. Then gradually build it up and repeat over the day. If baby is getting unsettled, that's ok - just change the position or activity.
Want to learn more?
We run Tummy Time Fun & Sensory Play baby classes in Mickleover, Derby where you get the chance to meet other parents, and enjoy special bonding time wth your baby as well as gradually building up their tummy time incorporating songs, sensory play and learning different tummy time positions including a mix of parent holds, and use of tummy time mats to try, to see which your little one prefers.
Not local to us, but want to learn more? Keep an eye on our Blog AND YouTube Channel for more tips on tummy time with your newborn.
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NOTE: This advice is based on typically developing babies from newborn, if you have concerns about the safety of tummy time for your baby, or they have pre-existing medical conditions, please consult your GP/Medical Professional or Health Visitor first.